Friday, October 25, 2013


Glorified, immeasurably glorified be Thy name, O my god!  How can I ever befittingly mention Thee or sufficiently praise thee, that Thou hast manifested Him by the power of Thy might, and caused Him to shine above the horizon of Thy will, and made Him the Day-Spring of Thy signs, and the Dawning Place of the revelation of Thy names and Thine attributes?  How bewilderingly mysterious, moreover, O my God, is His nature and all that Thou hast infused into Him, through Thy strength and by the power of Thy might!  At one time He appeareth as the water which is Life indeed, sent down out of the heaven of Thy grace, and poured forth from the clouds of Thy mercy, that Thy creatures may be endued with new life, and live as long as Thine own Kingdom endureth. Every drop of that water would suffice to quicken the dead, and to set their faces in the direction of Thy favours and Thy gifts, and to rid them of all attachment to aught else except Thee.  At another time He revealeth Himself as the Fire which Thou didst kindle in the tree of Thy unity, whose heat melted the hearts of Thine ardent lovers when he Who is the Day-Star of the world shone forth above the horizon of 'Iraq.  I testify, O my God, that through Him the veils of human fancy were burnt up, and the hearts of men were set towards the scene of Thy most resplendent glory.

I implore Thee , O Thou Who art the Supreme Ordainer, not to suffer me to be deprived of the breezes which are wafted in Thy days, the days whereon the sweet smell of the raiment of Thy mercy hath been shed abroad.  Neither do Thou keep me back from Thy most great Ocean, every drop of which crieth out and saith: "Great is the blessedness that awaiteth him who hath awakened from his sleep by the breath of God which from the source of His mercy, hath blown over all such of His creatures as have set themselves towards Him!" 

Thou seest, O my Lord, how Thy servants are held captive by their own selves and desires.  Redeem them from their bondage,O my God, by the power of Thy sovereignty and might, that they may turn towards Thee when He Who is the Revealer of Thy names and attributes is manifeSted unto men.

Cast upon this poor and desolate creature, O my Lord, the glance of Thy wealth, and flood his heart with the beams of Thy knowledge, that he may apprehend the verities of the unseen world, and discover the mysteries of Thy heavenly realm, and perceive the signs and tokens of Thy kingdom, and behold the manifold revelations of this earthly life all set forth before the face of Him Who is the Revealer of Thine own self.  Direct , then, his eyes, O my God, towards the horizon of Thy loving-kindness, and make steadfast his heart in its attachment to Thee, and unloose his tongue to praise Thee, and make him able to hold fast the cord of Thy love, and to cling to the hem of Thy bounteousness, and to proclaim Thy name amidst Thy creatures, and to recount Thy virtues throughout Thy realm, in such wise that no obstacle will deter him from turning to Thy name, the All-Bountiful, and no veil shut him out from Thee, in Whose hand is the dominion of utterance and the kingdom of all names and attributes! 

Hold Thou the hand of this seeker who hath set his face towards Thee, O my Lord, and draw him out of the depths of his vain imaginations, that the light of certainty may shine brightly above the horizon of his heart in the days whereon the sun of the knowledge of Thy creatures hath been darkened through the shining of the Day-Star of Thy glory; the days whereon the moon of the world's wisdom hath been eclipsed through the appearance of Thy hidden knowledge, and the manifestations of Thy well-guarded   secret, and the revelation  of Thine enshrined mystery; the days whereon the stars of men's doings have fallen through the rising of the orb of of Thy unity and the shedding of the radiance of Thy transcendent oneness. 

I beg of Thee O my God, by thy most exalted Word which Thou has ordained as the Divine Elixer unto all who are in Thy realm, the Elixer through whose potency the crude metal of human life hath been transmuted into purest gold,O Thou in Whose hands are both the visible and invisible kingdoms, to ordain that my choice be conformed to Thy choice and my wish to Thy wish, that I may be entirely content with that which Thou didst desire, and be wholly satisfied with what Thou didst destine for me by Thy bounteousness and favor. Potent art Thou to do what Thou willest. Thou, in very truth, art th All-Glorious, the All-Wise. 

Happy is the man who has recognized Thee, and discovered the sweetness of Thy fragrance, and set himself towards Thy kingdom, and tasted of the things that have been perfected therein by Thy grace and favour.  Great is the blessedness of him who hath acknowledged Thy most excellent majesty, and whom the veils that have shut out the nations from Thee have not hindered from directing his eyes towards Thee, O Thou who art the King of eternity and the Quickener  of every mouldering bone!  Blessed, slso, is he that hath turned unto Thee, and woe betide him that hath turned his back upon Thee. 

Praise be Thou, the Lordof the worlds.! 

This is part 2, pgs. 38,39,40 & 41 of Prayer # 38 in the book of "Prayers and Meditations" by Baha'u'llah, compiled by his grandson, Shogi Effendi.  A good prayer to pray for seekers.



Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Lauded be Thy name, O Lord my God!  I testify that Thou wast a hidden Treasure wrapped within Thine immemorial Being and an impenetrable Mystery enshrined in Thine own Essence. Wishing to reveal Thyself, Thou didst call into being the Greater and the Lesser Worlds, and didst choose Man above thy creatures, and didst make Him a sign of both of these worlds, O Thou Who art our Lord, the Most Compassionate!

Thou didst raise Him up to occupy Thy throne before all the people of Thy creation. Thou didst enable Him to unravel Thy mysteries, and to shine with the lights of Thine inspiration and Thy Revelation, and to manifest Thy names and Thine attributes. Through Him Thou didst adorn the preamble of the book of Thy creation, O Thou Who art the Ruler of the universe Thou has fashioned! 

I bear witness that in His person solidity and fluidity have been joined and combined.  Through His immovable constancy in Thy Cause, and His unwavering adherence to whatsoever Thou, in the plenitude of the light of Thy glory, didst unveil to His eyes, throughout the domains of Thy Revelation and creation, the souls of Thy servants were stirred up in their longing for Thy Kingdom, and the dwellers of Thy realms rushed forth to enter into Thy heavenly dominion. Through the restlessness He evinced in Thy path, the feet of all them that are devoted to Thee were steeled and confirmed  to manifest Thy cause amidst Thy creatures, and to demonstrate Thy sovereignty throughout Thy realm. 

How great, O my God, is this Thy most excellent handiwork, and how consummate Thy creation, which hath caused every understanding heart and mind to marvel!  And when the set time was fulfilled, and what had been preordained came to pass, Thou didst unloose His tongue to praise Thee, and to lay bare Thy mysteries before all Thy creation, O Thou Who art the Possessor of all names, and the fashioner of earth and heaven!  Through Him all things were made to glorify Thee, and to celebrate Thy praise, and every soul was directed towards the kingdom of Thy Revelation and Thy sovereignty.

At one time, Thou didst raise Him up, O my God, and didst attire Him with the ornament of the name of Him Who conversed with Thee (Moses), and didst through Him uncover all that Thy will had decreed and Thine irrevocable purpose ordained.  At another time, Thou didst adorn Him with the name of Him who was Thy Spirit (Jesus), and didst send Him down out of the heaven of Thy will, for the edification of Thy people, infusing thereby the spirit of life into the hearts of the sincere among Thy servants and the faithful among Thy creatures.  Again, Thy didst reveal Him, decked forth by the name of Him Who was Thy friend (Muhammad), and caused Him to shine brightly above the horizon of Hajiz, as a token of Thy power and an evidence  of Thy might. Through Him Thou didst send unto Thy servants what enabled them to scale the heights of Thy unity, and to yearn over the wonders of Thy manifold knowledge and wisdom. 

I testify, O Thou Who art the Lord of the whole creation, and the Desire of whosoever hath sought Thee, that, amidst Thy creatures, They resemble the sun which no matter how often riseth and setteth is still the one and the same sun.  Whoso maketh any distinction between any of Them hath truly failed to attain the ultimate purpose, and to reach the highest goal, and hath been deprived of the mysteries of unity and of the lights of sanctity and oneness. I testify, moreover, that Thou hast decreed that none on the face of the earth should equal Them, and none of Thy creatures be able to be compared with any of Them, in order that Thine own singleness and peerlessness might be recognized and established.  

Prayer # 38 (ppgs. 36-37-38) This is part 1 of 2 parts.

From "Prayers & Meditations" of Baha'u'llah, compiled by his grandson, Shoghi Effendi.


Saturday, October 19, 2013


I'm sitting here in my favorite rocking chair where I usually watch my favorite T.V. shows.  I don't have a big TIVO, but I do have a small flat screen, that one of my sweet grandchildren gave me.

There is a bookcase to my right under a window, with a lamp on it. On the table by my chair I keep a pad of paper and a pen handy to write down ideas that come to me. I write...therefore I need the tools of my trade always handy.

Sometimes in the middle of the night I might be awakened from a dream and write down words that later turn out to be a story or a bit of poetry. I actually had poetry published that came from a dream. I have been working on an historical novel that was given me in a dream many years ago. At the end of this post I will give you the words to, "The Color of my Dreams." 

If I didn't keep that pad of paper by my bedside table, or wherever I'm sitting or in my purse at all times, my creative ideas would sadly disappear down the "brain drain." 

 I had written this in Honolulu HI. August 1995.


RED HOT searing flashes of pain, 
BLACK shards of humiliating indignities, 
PURPLE veils of hidden excruciating fear,
BROWN muddy fingers of chilling suffocation,
GREEN salivating tongues of envy.

This was the color of my world 
that tragically filled the compartments 
of my brain with mementos of heartbreak.

Then YELLOW rays of mournful searching, 
ORANGE flickering lights of guidance.  
PINK streams of tender, unconditional love,
LAVENDER hills of soothing, calming, heartsongs
replaced the dysfuntional cells. 

Soon WHITE angels breath lifted me to the highest 
realm, where the GOD person said, 
"Welcome to the Color of My World!" 

Copyright (C) 2002     

GOD BLESS!! HAVE A MYSTICAL DAY!!                                

Wednesday, October 16, 2013



I have two bank accounts,one sans anything,
but I keep it anyway. 

I received a letter from one of these institutions 
just the other day. 

The contents of the envelope when I opened it,tears 
to my eyes did bring. 

I'm merely an old lady, 
who's on that "fixed income" thing.

"Dear client," the letter said,
you are overdrawn five hundren dollars."  

I turned to God, I stemmed the tears,
I didn't even holler.

I wondered: What happened 
to the money I was about to lose? 

I have another bank account that 
I most often use. 

I never, ever use this one 
how can this possibly be? 

What could I do? Plead with them
to "Please have mercy on me." 

I pled my case, hoping it would fall
on sympathetic ears.

No such tale of woe 
did not touch her heart I fear. 

Suddenly I realized 
that it was my mistake. 

I had written checks on the wrong book.
Might the bank give me a break? 

I said, "I'll go to the ATM, 
and draw out some of the money, 

but there is no way I can give you
all the money, honey." 

I stood at the ATM machine,
confusion on my face.

"Do I have enough to spare? 
Dear God, please be my saving grace." 

A man came up to me, confessed
that he did overhear, 

my tale of woe, and wanted to know, 
as he told me not to fear. 

"How may I help you dear? 
How much money do you need?" 

I couldn't believe that this young man 
was about to do a good deed.

He handed me two-hundred dollars and said, 
"Please ma'am, have a good day."

God had sent me an "Angel of Mercy",
and then sent him on his way.


Monday, October 14, 2013


Life is what it is
It has a beginning that has no beginning.
An end that has no end, and
Heavenly beings sent continuously to play-act.

An Eternal Writer/ Producer/Director, lovingly
Recruits from His immense Universal Storehouse
Of brilliant players eagerly waiting to perform in His
Most recent spur of the moment blockbuster novel.

To paraphrase the controversial,  but talented,
Mr. William Shakespeare, while writing
Sagacious comedies and tragedies, said,
All the world’s a stage and we ( the people) are actors.

What would it gain this Universal/Director,
The All-Knowing, Omnipotent, Mega Person
To create such a life-like, comedic tragedy,
Only to look upon us and laughingly say, “GOTCHA!...?”

“God Loves Laughter.” Says writer William Sears, but
He’s not a cruel jokester who gets off on abusing
His Creations, or causing them undue discomfort.
We, His recruits, learn and experiment for His benefit.

Don’t even think His recruitments are, for the “fun” of it.
Each of us willingly comes here for a purpose.
We are “born” into this world of myriad scenarios,
Without memories, to learn our purpose.