I meditate every day. Sometimes my thoughts are ramblings of a tired mind, or a sleepy one. However there are times when my thoughts or meditations seem to be intermingled with someone or something of a heavenly nature. For instance:
I'll sense a voice talking to me in my mind. "Dawn, you are not feeling well today. Perhaps you should change the way you are eating." Or, "Don't you think you stayed up a little too late last night? A good nights sleep is important for the body to have enough energy to last through the day."
Okay...so you say that I could have heard this on TV, or read it in a magazine, or any number of other scenarios...and that would be true, because I have. But, this isn't new to me. I have been talking to angels, or mystical beings for many years...off and on.
Many years ago, I remember playing, what I thought was a game with a friend of mine. We were grown women. We both were married and had children. She would ask me questions, and I would give her answers that were coming from my mind. The answers turned out to come true. I was told that I had the ability of being able to predict the future. I didn't believe in that sort of thing and tried to forget about it, but my friend kept asking me to tell her things...and I did. She told me, "Dawn no one knows about that except me and God." I was astonished to say the least.
Even though my husband was aware of my ability (he believed in ESP and the like...I did too, up to a point). I felt like I was getting into unknown territory that I knew nothing about. My friend called her minister and he told her to have me read certain scriptures from the bible and of course...pray.
We started reading. However, she had to leave for work, but I kept on reading. I felt like I understood everything in the Bible at that moment.
I became sleepy, so I laid down on the sofa, and fell asleep. I found myself waking up, and there was this Golden Light, it was like a heavenly being was in the room with me...like Jesus. I felt love and warmth, and that everything was all right, except that the knowledge that I had felt before...left me. All I could remember of the reading was that God had revealed everything to me for just those few moments.
From time to time my friend would ask me to tell her things, and I would, but she moved away and so did I. I stopped delving into that sort of thing for a long time.
I have always believed in a higher power since I was a child. My parents were not religious people, but for some reason I knew that God existed.
I remember being about five years old and learning the song, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so." It seems that a neighbor had taken me to Sunday School one day.
As far as I know I never attended any church services after that until I was about thirteen years old. We had moved to a new area and I found a new friend. Her father was the neighborhood minister.
I started going to Sunday Services with them, but the only reason that my friend and I really went was because we were interested in the boys. :):) I remember having a crush on a great looking guy named Wayne. However, we moved again and nothing ever came of my crush...or religion, at least then.
There was one other time when I was twelve that I had a very spiritual experience that I feel is the reason that I came to know that God exists. I was on my way home from being with my friends. Our guy friends were going on a weeks trip with the Sea Scouts, and we all met at the local hamburger place to celebrate, and to wish them "bon voyage".
Three of my girlfriends and I all went the same way to get home. It was about nine at night, but we were used to being out late. Our parents weren't what you would call "homebodies". For the most part we felt pretty safe "back in the day"...at night. I used to go to the movies alone.
Anyway...my friends and I walked home that night arm in arm, while laughing and joking. We all lived on different blocks. When we came to Dolly's street, she turned off. Next it was Betty M's street and she left me. Finally Betty R left me too.
I was on my own now, but I felt happy, and looking forward to seeing my friends the next day...we had made plans to meet at the park. It was not unusual to hear people walking on the street, or laughing, etc.. However, I heard footsteps behind me, and I felt something telling me that this was not a good thing. I started to walk faster...so did the footsteps. I accelerated my speed as did whoever was behind me. I turned left and began to run up my street. I was being followed. At that moment I prayed, "PLEASE DEAR GOD HELP ME." I immediately turned right...into a very dark alley.
You say, "Why did you do a dumb thing like that?"
That would have been a good question seeing that it was a very dark alley, and I was only a little girl who was being chased by a man "hell bent" on catching me.
However, the question was unnecessary, because when I got to the end of that very dark alley and turned around to see a man about ten feet away from me with a menacing look on his face, I also turned back around to see a very brightly lit up gas station.
Panting heavily, and scared out of my wits, I ran into the "Ladies Restroom" locked the door behind me and sat on the bathroom floor for at least an hour while I got my breath, and wondered what I was going to do next. I slowly opened the door of the restroom and peeked outside. There was no one around including the service station attendant...I hadn't seen him when I ran in the restroom either. I took a chance and ran the three blocks to my apartment house like a "fire-breathing dragon" was on my tail.
I hoped that my mother would be home so that I could tell her what had just happened to me...worse yet, what might have happened to me if God had not intervened. What if I had not prayed and asked for help? I probably would have kept running...up hill, and undoubtedly he would have caught me. Who knows what might have happened then. You probably wouldn't be reading this right now.
Unfortunately, my mother was not home, which was no surprise to me, I was only hoping that she would be. So, my story went untold for many years because I stuffed it where I stuffed all of the unhappy things that ever happened to me...into my safe place. Nowadays they call it the "sub-conscious".
Well anyway...that's how I learned to believe that God really does exist.
I'll sense a voice talking to me in my mind. "Dawn, you are not feeling well today. Perhaps you should change the way you are eating." Or, "Don't you think you stayed up a little too late last night? A good nights sleep is important for the body to have enough energy to last through the day."
Okay...so you say that I could have heard this on TV, or read it in a magazine, or any number of other scenarios...and that would be true, because I have. But, this isn't new to me. I have been talking to angels, or mystical beings for many years...off and on.
Many years ago, I remember playing, what I thought was a game with a friend of mine. We were grown women. We both were married and had children. She would ask me questions, and I would give her answers that were coming from my mind. The answers turned out to come true. I was told that I had the ability of being able to predict the future. I didn't believe in that sort of thing and tried to forget about it, but my friend kept asking me to tell her things...and I did. She told me, "Dawn no one knows about that except me and God." I was astonished to say the least.
Even though my husband was aware of my ability (he believed in ESP and the like...I did too, up to a point). I felt like I was getting into unknown territory that I knew nothing about. My friend called her minister and he told her to have me read certain scriptures from the bible and of course...pray.
We started reading. However, she had to leave for work, but I kept on reading. I felt like I understood everything in the Bible at that moment.
I became sleepy, so I laid down on the sofa, and fell asleep. I found myself waking up, and there was this Golden Light, it was like a heavenly being was in the room with me...like Jesus. I felt love and warmth, and that everything was all right, except that the knowledge that I had felt before...left me. All I could remember of the reading was that God had revealed everything to me for just those few moments.
From time to time my friend would ask me to tell her things, and I would, but she moved away and so did I. I stopped delving into that sort of thing for a long time.
I have always believed in a higher power since I was a child. My parents were not religious people, but for some reason I knew that God existed.
I remember being about five years old and learning the song, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so." It seems that a neighbor had taken me to Sunday School one day.
As far as I know I never attended any church services after that until I was about thirteen years old. We had moved to a new area and I found a new friend. Her father was the neighborhood minister.
I started going to Sunday Services with them, but the only reason that my friend and I really went was because we were interested in the boys. :):) I remember having a crush on a great looking guy named Wayne. However, we moved again and nothing ever came of my crush...or religion, at least then.
There was one other time when I was twelve that I had a very spiritual experience that I feel is the reason that I came to know that God exists. I was on my way home from being with my friends. Our guy friends were going on a weeks trip with the Sea Scouts, and we all met at the local hamburger place to celebrate, and to wish them "bon voyage".
Three of my girlfriends and I all went the same way to get home. It was about nine at night, but we were used to being out late. Our parents weren't what you would call "homebodies". For the most part we felt pretty safe "back in the day"...at night. I used to go to the movies alone.
Anyway...my friends and I walked home that night arm in arm, while laughing and joking. We all lived on different blocks. When we came to Dolly's street, she turned off. Next it was Betty M's street and she left me. Finally Betty R left me too.
I was on my own now, but I felt happy, and looking forward to seeing my friends the next day...we had made plans to meet at the park. It was not unusual to hear people walking on the street, or laughing, etc.. However, I heard footsteps behind me, and I felt something telling me that this was not a good thing. I started to walk faster...so did the footsteps. I accelerated my speed as did whoever was behind me. I turned left and began to run up my street. I was being followed. At that moment I prayed, "PLEASE DEAR GOD HELP ME." I immediately turned right...into a very dark alley.
You say, "Why did you do a dumb thing like that?"
That would have been a good question seeing that it was a very dark alley, and I was only a little girl who was being chased by a man "hell bent" on catching me.
However, the question was unnecessary, because when I got to the end of that very dark alley and turned around to see a man about ten feet away from me with a menacing look on his face, I also turned back around to see a very brightly lit up gas station.
Panting heavily, and scared out of my wits, I ran into the "Ladies Restroom" locked the door behind me and sat on the bathroom floor for at least an hour while I got my breath, and wondered what I was going to do next. I slowly opened the door of the restroom and peeked outside. There was no one around including the service station attendant...I hadn't seen him when I ran in the restroom either. I took a chance and ran the three blocks to my apartment house like a "fire-breathing dragon" was on my tail.
I hoped that my mother would be home so that I could tell her what had just happened to me...worse yet, what might have happened to me if God had not intervened. What if I had not prayed and asked for help? I probably would have kept running...up hill, and undoubtedly he would have caught me. Who knows what might have happened then. You probably wouldn't be reading this right now.
Unfortunately, my mother was not home, which was no surprise to me, I was only hoping that she would be. So, my story went untold for many years because I stuffed it where I stuffed all of the unhappy things that ever happened to me...into my safe place. Nowadays they call it the "sub-conscious".
Well anyway...that's how I learned to believe that God really does exist.